Friday, February 24, 2012

Wine and Love....late again

So this is late but I am going to do it anyway. I have been fairly unmotivated in all aspects of life lately (including this blog) but it is high time to get back on track!

Wine and love is hosted by Nora. Want to join? Read this page for the meme instructions and grab the picture. The go to Walking With Nora to link up!

Wine, Wine, Wine

- I have gained 10 pounds. J and I did an official first weigh in almost two weeks ago and that is what I discovered. Immediately after that discovery (and a good dose of self loathing), we set a series of fitness goals and rewards over the next three months with weekly weigh ins and bi-monthly prizes if we reach our goals.
- Work has been a little slow going but busy at the same time. I'm having trouble staying focused and the fact that I am not in a field I am interested in has really been bothering me lately. It feels like I'm not really working toward anything or using my intelligence.
- I want to eat ALL THE TIME. I get home and I just want to snack on everything in the house. Need to get that under control ASAP.
- My culinary creations this week have not been very exceptional. One of my pizza's came out soggy and a farro salad was overpowered by balsamic.
- Money is tight as always.
- One of my friends at work will be leaving next week.
- I have been trying to figure out how to meet new people and I am fairly stumped. I don't want to meet people in a bar but I don't really have other activities I participate in. J is having a similar issue but she has club soccer and other sport activities that she does.

Love, Love, Love
- J and I set goals and so far it looks like we are going to make our first one coming up this Sunday (which means we get mani/pedis.
- My mom took me shopping this weekend and I got a few new tops and a couple new bottoms for work. I finally am not wearing the same pants everyday and I have come into work feeling cute everyday this week.
- I went to work at Lawrence's last Saturday to help out while Tim was out of town and it was a blast. Such a fun atmosphere there. And I left with a little extra spending money in my pocket.
- I made it through this week without buying lunch or dinner and I only bought breakfast once.
- J and I went for a run outside last night and made it just under 5 miles. I almost passed out while doing some light weight lifting after but I am still proud!
- A new receptionist was hired so I will be moving to a real legal assistant's desk next week.
- The weather has been super nice this week. Like, in the 60s and today it is supposed to get up to 73.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are people insane?

A coworker just brought this issue to my attention. I realize now it is somewhat old news but apparently some states are raising the driving age to 17 or 18. I personally feel this is a terrible idea and I don't understand how a rational human being can consider is an improvement over current laws.

Here is how I see it. Kids go off to college at 18. To raise the driving age would send them off on their own with little to no gained experience behind the wheel. And what do kids start to do once they are away from their parents? They try things they were forbidden to try before. For most young adults, that means alcohol consumption and for some, drug usage. So who thinks it is a good idea to send kids off to college with no driving experience and new found freedom? They will drink and drive. That is just a fact. Yes, there are some very responsible individuals that don't drink or, if they do, stay away from the wheel. But the majority of 18 or 19 year old college students are not responsible. If they get behind the wheel and they are intoxicated, a year or two of driving experience will not make a huge difference but it will mean they know how to operate the car smoothly and their reflexes have gotten a chance to adapt.

I think the law (and parents) need to back off their children a bit. If you look at older generations, they restrictions were not as strict. Drinking age was lower, kids were acting more independently at a younger age. So why do they think tightening the leash will make their children safer? The truth is, you cannot watch your children every minute of every day and allowing they experience things and make mistakes will force them to learn responsibility. Coddling them by imposing harsh curfews and chauffeuring them around until they are shipped off to a campus that is much less supervised then you imagine will only leave them inexperienced and eager to act out.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is anybody even reading this?

Ok ok ok. I know. I am terrible at keeping up with this blog. But I have an excuse...I promise! I have been sick lately. And eating a lot, which takes up most of my time. Like, I am not kidding. I get home and I eat until I go to sleep. The dent in my favorite couch cushion is proof of this. I have been in full on hibernation mode. I mostly blame J who has been busy or out of town for the past few weekends, leaving me to fend for my self in terms of social planning. When I am left to my own devices, I tend to opt out of interacting with others. Isn't it exhausting? Smiling, laughing, having fun? Psh, give me an unwatched TV series and a bowl of pretty much anything bad for me and I am good to go.

And then there is the blog. I am usually so busy reading the thousands of blogs I subscribe to that I completely forget that I have my own. But here I am because I love you and I have made a commitment. In sickness and in health (which I'm not sure which one I exist in at the moment), for richer and poorer (definitely in the latter on that), as long as we both (or I) shall live.

What to tell you about? Ah, here is something good. I had to get four fillings in the past two weeks. I know what you're thinking. Geez, this chick needs to brush her damn teeth and lay off the sugar. But no. I brush my teeth and I pretty much detest sugary candy (chocolate however, is a completely different story). These are the first cavities I have had since childhood-bordering-on-adolescence. AND two of them were around existing fillings! Totally not my fault! So anyway, back to the story.

Last week, I got my top two done, the ones around existing fillings. I get in the chair and the first thing I do is inform the dental hygienist that I DO NOT like needles. I had a tooth pulled when I was a child and I would not let the dude give me a numbing shot. Yeah, I am that girl. So she tells me that dentist can take a look and since its a small filling I might not need a shot. Now I get a little embarrassed and qualify my previous statement with "I mean, I won't be a baby about it. I'm if I need the shot, I will man up and take it......but if not, that would be great." Dentist takes a look and decides that because he is taking out pre-existing fillings, shots will be necessary. He does some cheek shaking voodoo distraction and it works like a charm. Then I feel like an idiot. Because shots are not that bad people. This is the same shame that I experienced after riding a roller coaster for the first time two summers ago (mind you, upon my return to Kings Dominion, having already ridden all the roller coasters in the park, I was still scared shitless and refused to ride half of them). The dentist does his thing, I leave, the numbness wears off after about an hour, and I head into work.

Now, here is where the story gets good. Wednesday morning, I had to go in to get two more teeth fixed because there was some decay (such a dire way of putting it) in between. This time, a technician numbs me instead of the dentist. She gives me two giant shots of evil whatever. Pretty soon, the entire left side of my mouth is numb. Then the left side of my tongue. Then my cheek. Then my ear. Doctor does his thing, makes a comment about how oddly numb I am, and tells me it should wear off in an hour. On the car ride home, my dad calls me so he can hear me garble my words and a lisp my way through a Novocain-ed conversation. He also assures me it will only last another hour or so.

Back in my apartment, I attempt to nap on the couch until the numbness subsides but wind up watching TV instead. About 45 minutes pass and I realize I am starving because I didn't eat before my appointment. But what does one eat when numb? I figured something liquid-y, like yogurt, would be a safe bet because it doesn't require chewing. This, my dear readers, was a terrible mistake. The tongue is much more important in the consumption of yogurt than I imagined, guiding it to the back of your mouth rather than allowing it to spill out of the corners. When your tongue and half your mouth are numb, do not eat yogurt.

I abandoned the idea of eating and waited another hour. Now I was 2 hours into the numbness with no sign of it ever stopping. I watched reruns of The OC, dreaming of the beautiful breakfast feast I could consume if my mouth would only function. I couldn't go to work yet because I am receptionist and I am sure plaintiffs do not want to call in and speak to somebody who can't, well...speak.

Another hour passes and by now I am fairly certain something has gone terribly wrong and I will just have to learn to live with a numb face. I eat a banana using what I will from now on have to refer to as "the good side of my mouth". I'm panicked and hungry and sleepy. Then....the numbness subsides. Slowly, I can feel my ear, then my cheek, then my tongue, until finally only a small part of my lip is still numb. I inhaled some eggs and left for work, rolling in four hours late and explaining to everyone the horror I had just endured.

So in the course of two weeks, the dentist went from slightly unlikeable, to not as bad as I thought, then right back to horrifying.

Oh, and by the end of the day I had a raging head cold. Yeah. Best week ever.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just stopping by to say hello

Today was rough. So was yesterday. It's only Tuesday and I am already wiped. For some reason, it seems all of my attorneys come up with tasks for me at the same time and I am also helping out with another attorney's project today and tomorrow. Anyway, I thought I would stop by and give a little update on my life.

This weekend was fun. I mean, it was Super Bowl weekend so of course it was fun. And best of all....THE GIANTS WON!!!! As my newly adopted team, I am quite pleased with the way this season ended. Thinking about it, I have switched teams 3 times in the past 3 years and my chosen team has won the Super Bowl each year. First the Saints, then the Packers (temporary insanity induced by an ex) and now the Giants. I watched the game with my best friend and his family, since they are from New York and big Giants fans. there was so much food and beer and profane language. A lovely evening all around.

Yesterday morning, I had to go to the dentist and get two cavities filled. That was not very fun but also not as bad as I thought. I am such a baby that the dentist had to do a weird cheek shaking thing to distract me while he gave me the numbing shot. Afterward, I went to my parents house and where a batch of my favorite cookies were waiting for me.

I barely ran a mile yesterday and felt as if I was going to pass out. I am bypassing the attempted workout tonight because I can tell I would struggle. That is probably not the right attitude but oh well. I guess I'll have to get back on track a little more slowly.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Insert first year joke here

First year of college was my favorite.

(You all probably refer to your first year of college as "freshman year". But I went to UVA and because Jefferson believed that learning never ended, we say first year, second year, so on and so forth. Moving on)

First year of college was my favorite. I can see that now. I am out of school and looking back and first year was definitely the most jam packed with good memories. Most people say first year is too full of confusion and difficult classes and adjustment to be their favorite but I love it because of that. I remember moving in and exploring everything and it was all so exciting. By the time I graduated, everything felt so routine and so repetitive that I could not wait to get out.

First year was magical. I was making new friends and trying new things. And I loved my suitemates to death. One of my them convinced me to do ballroom dancing with her! During finals week, we set up a makeshift bed in out common room and spent 7 hours watching Veronica Mars DVDs. We were catty and judgemental and gossipy and loving and supportive and curious. We hadn't established ourselves at the school in various activities and sororities so we were our own unit (we actually referred to ourselves as Tri Mu once we did join sororities, to make those who didn't go greek feel included). So many different personalities that melded together.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wine and Love

Wine and love is hosted by Nora. Want to join? Read this page for the meme instructions and grab the picture. The go to Walking With Nora to link up!

Wine, Wine, Wine

- Still no sourdough starter. This food challenge thing seems fairly doomed.
- I have no money...but whats new?
- I had to call this morning and make the first of two appointments to get 4 cavities filled. I know, I know...but it's kind of not my fault. Two of them are around existing fillings and one is between my teeth. I didn't think you could get a cavity around an existing filling. Isn't that the point of the filling?
- I am hungry all. the. time. I can't explain it. And I haven't been to the gym since Sunday.
- I have had such trouble getting out of bed this week. I don't think I have been up before 7:40 all week even though I need to be out of the house by 8:15.
- My room looks like a clothing bomb exploded.

Warm and Fuzzy Love

- I am now obsessed with Game of Thrones. Ruh roh.
- I made a bangin' batch of Chicken Marsala over the weekend that has provided lunches throughout the week.
- I had a lovely day date with a friend of mine on Saturday. We went to the National Gallery and then saw the new Michael Fassbender movie Shame. Homegirl has the same appreciation for minimalist art and dark movies as I do. Then we hit up Forever 21.
- I finally got around to buying steel cut oats and made a big batch to have for breakfast for the whole week. It all went swimmingly. At first, I found them too slimy but now I think I have perfected one way to eat them: layer oatmeal, then a little honey, then crushed walnuts and repeat until container is filled then sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Microwave and top with blueberries. Mmmmm. I look forward to experimenting with more options.
- Super bowl is this Sunday! I have some awesome food planned. Sadly, I am torn between where to go to watch AND I have a super early dentist appointment so I might end up driving home during halftime to make sure I am in bed at a reasonable hour.
- I found a couple of new food blogs I'm really into. I'll have to post about the long list of blogs I follow at some point.
- New Vampire Diaries episode tonight. Always a good time.
- Today is going by super quick!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Three Little Words

I miss you.

Seems harmless, right? But when somebody hurts you, it becomes an all consuming thought that you are not allowed to share. It's a secret. It feels dirty, missing this person who showed such blatant disregard for your feelings, using your heart as a tissue then promptly disposing of what was left.

When you are the one who ends a relationship, you don't get to miss the other person. There will be no midnight phone calls while intoxicated, begging for their warmth. You made the decision to leave and everything that happens after must prove it was the right choice. Even if the split was the result of an unforgivable act they committed, you made the ultimate decision to leave and it is now your job to uphold it. So bottle it up. Outwardly, your life becomes a string of extravagant parties and delicious lovers. Ex-boyfriend who?

In a way, the dumpee has it easy. They have no reason to be strong. They have been dumped! of course they can break down! Of course they are going to express their now unrequited love! And then they will move on. And that, my dear readers, is probably the hardest part for the dumper. When your hand was forced into a break up and you are not allowed to tell the other person you miss them, hearing them say it to you is the most comfort you will get. Turning around isn't an option...but our eyes are still glued to the rear-view mirror. And yes, it is unhealthy to hold on to that but it happens, so lets just all admit that and move on.

But one day, those messages stop. They will stop talking to you because, turns out, you were not the love of their life. They no longer view you as the best they were going to have and the one thing that they will always regret losing. Now they have another "dream girl" and she is a fresh start. With her, they can do all the things they were too young, too afraid, and too stupid to do with you. They can love her fully. But first, they have to let you go. And there is nothing you can do about it because you are the one who left. And your life is now a constant rave so why would you care anyway?

Son of a stitch

I tend to lose focus very easily. What I mean by that is not that I have the type of ADD that will have me walking away from an activity midway through. More like, I get passionately obsessed with something for a few days, weeks, months, maybe even a year, then out of the blue I will be onto the next thing. Also, I have certain activities that I will cycle through. Included in this in knitting.

When I get into knitting, I get way into it. I start collecting patterns from all sorts of resources, I buy books, I buy yarn, and I will knit every chance I get. Then, without finishing whatever project I'm on, I will be bored of knitting. This usually occurs when the weather warms up (which I am sure is completely normal since knitting is a colder weather kinda thing).

I have found that I am much more prone to knit when its too cold to socialize. Having lovely roommates and living in the center of social city means I have done no knitting at all this winter. I was so hopeful that the weather would turn chilly and my roomies and I would be content to curl up on the couch, watching movies and sipping tea while I finally finished the Clapotis scarf that has been "in progress" for over two years now. I made some scant progress around Halloween, when all three Halloweentown movies were playing one night. Other than that, nada. While my roommates and I do spend a lot of time on the couch, I am more glued to my computer than my knitting needles.

I have such a stash of yarn. All different kinds. Different colors and textures and weights. And I have a list of patterns to try that is a mile long. I could make anything! But where is my cold weather? Where is the snow that would make those mittens necessary? I even promised a friend a new pair by Christmas to try and force myself back into it. The one night I resolved to start them, I couldn't find the right needles and that was it. Project aborted.

So here I am, telling all you imaginary readers out there. I need to knit. I will knit! Just as I have promised to make sourdough bread and post more pictures on this blog and call my dentist (nope, nope, and...sorry mom but nope) I will knit something! Now I am accountable. It's on the list.