Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are people insane?

A coworker just brought this issue to my attention. I realize now it is somewhat old news but apparently some states are raising the driving age to 17 or 18. I personally feel this is a terrible idea and I don't understand how a rational human being can consider is an improvement over current laws.

Here is how I see it. Kids go off to college at 18. To raise the driving age would send them off on their own with little to no gained experience behind the wheel. And what do kids start to do once they are away from their parents? They try things they were forbidden to try before. For most young adults, that means alcohol consumption and for some, drug usage. So who thinks it is a good idea to send kids off to college with no driving experience and new found freedom? They will drink and drive. That is just a fact. Yes, there are some very responsible individuals that don't drink or, if they do, stay away from the wheel. But the majority of 18 or 19 year old college students are not responsible. If they get behind the wheel and they are intoxicated, a year or two of driving experience will not make a huge difference but it will mean they know how to operate the car smoothly and their reflexes have gotten a chance to adapt.

I think the law (and parents) need to back off their children a bit. If you look at older generations, they restrictions were not as strict. Drinking age was lower, kids were acting more independently at a younger age. So why do they think tightening the leash will make their children safer? The truth is, you cannot watch your children every minute of every day and allowing they experience things and make mistakes will force them to learn responsibility. Coddling them by imposing harsh curfews and chauffeuring them around until they are shipped off to a campus that is much less supervised then you imagine will only leave them inexperienced and eager to act out.

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