Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What did you do last night to get such bad Karma? Trip an old person? Hit a child's ice cream out of their hand?

That was my roommate's response when I told her about my morning.  I woke up 45 minutes late but still managed to get to the metro at a reasonable time.  One station in, I step off the train to allow other riders to exit and, lo and behold, my ex comes rushing off.  The one that cheated on me. I don't think he saw me.  To top it off, I some how managed to cut my tongue on my yogurt container.  Don't ask why I was licking the top of the container.  It seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm sorry

I want to blog.  I really do.  I get ideas and I come here and I try to record them in a cohesive manner to share with the world.  Then the world gets in my way.  Work is busy.  My room looks like a fashion war zone.  When I get home, I inevitably have a headache from staring at the computer screen all day so the last thing I want to so is stare a little longer.  But I will persevere.  I promise.