Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My brain hasn't been functioning too well today so here are some quotes from Wayne Dyer to get you through....

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” 

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”  

“You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.” 

“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.” 

“You have everything you need for complete peace and total happiness right now.”

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.” 

“You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, 'I release the need for this in my life'.” 

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.”

"Now is all there is, and the future is just another present moment to live when it arrives.”

“You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.” 

"Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.” 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Your limbs have had it up to here with your demands

Exercising is a strange concept.  I think that if I were poor or somebody from a country where gyms were not "a thing", I would find them laughable. Can you think of a better example of a leisure activity?  We pay a monthly fee to run on a treadmill.  Gyms are have a direct relationship to the excess amount of food we consume. Everything in excess!  Even exercise. We run and run and run then we lift and lift and lift.  We are neither running to from anything and nothing will ever require us to be able to lift that much weight in the normal course of our lives. We do it because when we're not exercising, we are eating. It's all about balance, right?

Then there is a the fact that exercise is basically going against all of our survival instincts.  Our hearts start to pound and our limbs hurt and want to give up and what do we do? We push further.  Lifting weights is the only time you want to push yourself "to failure". This literally means that you tell your arm to lift the weight another time and your arm responds by hanging limp at your side.  You are no longer the master of your own body.  The muscle is in control now it's all,  "Nope, I'm good" or, "Oh you mean drop the weight?  Yeah I can do that!"

Another interesting side of the "eat so much we need to pay to work it off" mindset is the idea that there should be a magic solution.  Whenever I see somebody from the past, if I happen to be looking particularly fiiiine that day, and if that person is female, they, without fail, ask me what my secret is.  People try fad diets  and read self help books, and take pills and everything to try to find out the "secret" of how to lose weight.  In reality, everyone knows how.  Burn more than you eat.  It's not a trick.  It's science.  The answer people are really hunting for is how they can be skinnier without actually altering their day-to-day routine. We are a society full of people who know what to do but make excuses not to and overturn every rock they come across in search of a loophole.

Now, if you'll excuse me....I have a pile of Hershey's Kisses to attend to. But it's ok...I ran 3 miles this morning.

That time I had a dream about eating ice cream with my ex

I am sick of thinking about boys.  I just want to throw that one out there.  I became boy crazy around the same time my "womanly curves" began to fill in way back around my 11th birthday and since then, it has been all down hill.

Recently, I came across this article on my favorite procrastination website, Thought Catalog.  I agree with the title more so than the message contained within.  Not because the message is false.  I think it rings true, to some degree, for most of us.  More so because the title didn't bring to my mind the same explanation contained in the essay.  I'm not sick of thinking about boys because their opinions hold too much pull over my self-worth or emotions.  I'm sick of thinking about boys because I have more productive things to do with my mental energy.  And yet, ever since I looking into that blue eyed, buck-toothed face of my first crush in 2nd grade, there those gentlemen sit, atop my heart, nestled between chocolate and my bed.

Last night, I had a dream.  The only action I remember in this dream involved my ex-boyfriend and I going to an ice cream parlor and....wait for it....eating ice cream.  Now, never mind the fact that my subconscious had to drag ice cream into this nightmare when it was sitting around perfectly innocent, minding its own delicious business. But of all the potential ice cream buddies my mind undoubtedly has tucked away, why my ex?  Why a guy at all?  Why not a cheeky girlfriend to eat ice cream and gossip with? Now, after a record amount of time not thinking about real life Voldemort ( case you didn't know where I intended that reference to go), he's popped up again.  I'm not sad.  I'm not angry with him.  I'm just frustrated.  Dear dream Liz, Chris Hemsworth was probably around the corner and he has a much better conversation style (read: voice).

But that's not all.  I had a dream the night before another previous flame. And even as I sit here contemplating why I am thinking about these lads (and how many hours until I can go get some damn ice cream), I know there are better things I could be thinking about.  I could plan a novel or a screen play.  I could lay out a schedule for cleaning, painting, and organizing my room.  I could dream up my next crafty project.  I could revise my 6-month plan to achieve world domination (the old one would come to fruition in February and, realistically, I'm going to need a bit more time).

This is what girls do.  We think about boys.  I'm sure boys think about girls too but I have never possessed the correct set of equipment to make a quantifiable comparison.  But girls tear each other apart over boys.  So...I'm kicking the habit, one beautifully shaped bicep at a time.  Gentlemen of yesteryear, I can't be bothered to ponder your beauty, charm or stupidity any longer. And that goes for you, subconscious!  How about you give me the plans for a new invention or a dream about space travel instead?  On second thought....that dream featuring Ian Somerhalder wasn't that bad....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

On Being Young

I've said this before but it's something I have spent a lot of time thinking about, especially when I feel like things are getting rough, and while reading The Happiness Project, it came to mind again.  At my age, my peers and I tend to still have the adolescent knee-jerk reaction that every heartbreak is a catastrophe, ripping our world apart and we will never be the same again after this.  Or, in a similar vein, we twenty-somethings consider ourselves fully formed and locked into our lives.  We are "adults" and with that comes commitment to where we are and who we are with. Both of these viewpoints are flawed and can be detrimental to both our maturation and happiness.  Here's why.  Be warned, this is a bit of a rant.  But I think it's a good one.

Life is 90% about outlook.  You make create your "path" through conscious decisions and the way you react to circumstances you can't avoid or change.

First, nothing is the end of the world, except the actual end of the world. People have the beautiful ability to react to the events and environment surrounding them and adapt to new circumstances.  As long as you believe you are strong enough, you will be.  As cheesy as that it, I believe it's true. Here's an example.  Almost every valuable life lesson I've retained has come from my mother. When my grandmother died, my mom slipped into depression and I am sure she never believed she could feel happy again. But she looked around her, saw her family, her children, and tried to focus on the various blessings she had.  She was healthy, her children were successfully surviving on their own and she had maintained a close relationship with them, she had food and shelter and she is brilliant.  So she started going for walks (exercise makes you happy as does the blue of the's science), she ate half of an apple a day (she told me there is something in it that helps fight depression but I don't remember the details) and she took it day by day.  Another example that I might reference way too many times is my breakup at the end of college. I lost my boyfriend and my friends. A relative fell ill, and my dog died.  This was also during finals week.  I didn't want to get out of bed or go to class or work on my senior thesis in photography.  I would sit there, just thinking that I would never be as happy as I had been and I would always feel that dragging despair.  It feels ridiculous now because I am actually much happier day to day than I was before the break up.  That gave me perspective.  I got through it.  I took it day by day.  I read a book to distract my thoughts.  And now I am more than ok.

Now those were my two most extreme examples but there are a lot of smaller, everyday heartbreaks that can start to bog you down.  Somebody you likes won't text you back (such a silly action to give so much value to but we all do it), you feel stuck at your job, your room is in disarray again despite the fact that you clean it thoroughly every week, you have no money, on and on and on. The next time something happens and you feel lost or heartbroken, just remember to take it day by day and eventually you will feel better.  Happy thoughts make happier people.  Don't knock the cliche until you try it. And, as a bonus, happier people reflect happiness, making those around them happier, who in turn reflect the happiness back at them. Best win-win situation ever.

Onto the second thing. We feel stuck.  Not all of us.  There are those majestic, beautiful young people out there that know they can touch the sky and just keep jumping until they do. But some of us, we see ourselves in our jobs and with the people we have and living where we do and think "This is my life and I am now responsible for all of these things."  The truth is, we owe no loyalty to the situation we are currently in.  We are responsible for our decisions.  You're not stuck.  If you think you are, you are making the decision to stay there and that's the downfall.  This one ties back to my first statement because a big part of remain stagnant is the comfort that it affords us.  Routine is easy, innovation is hard.  The longer you remain in a relationship, be it with a person, place, or company, the more you feel like you need to stay to make the effort you have already put in "worth it" and because that relationship is not completely void of happiness and benefits, even if it isn't quite exactly what you want or the best you can do.  Leaving behind the good in order to seek out better is terrifying.  What if you don't find it? That's the risk you take.  While this time in our lives may not be the one possible time to take that risk, it is the best.  Later, you'll be married and have children which will complicate your relationship with that person.  You'll have those other people attached to you that would need to move also, which will complicate your relationship with that place.  Your need to support those people and pay for that house in that location will complicate your relationship with that company.  Saying you can't change something now because it will hurt another or you will end up poor and alone or any other excuse is just excuse.  If you want to be something better, now is the time to be it.  And if you fail, if you do end up cold and alone and poor, come find me and I'll give some support and a good meal.

But you won't fail.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Titty realignment

Today marks the official beginning of the holiday season for me.  Its finally December, "Elf" is running back to back on ABC Family, and I have busted out my special stretchy pants (because, honestly, no spinning class can make up for the cookie storm that is about to form in my kitchen).  In an effort to be more spirited, I have scoped out some festive holiday events about town.  The first of which was today, in Old Town Alexandria. Some friends and I gathered for the Scottish Walk and the Boat Parade of Lights and let me tell you, my loyal and devoted was everything I thought it would be and so much more!

But really....not really.  I parked outside of Old Town, somewhere between Queen St. and Narnia then made the trek over to the King, hoping to catch the tail end of the Walk. I have to say, I was expecting more men in kilts and fewer dogs.  Also, they blocked off a two block perimeter which seems to be a little extreme to me. My friend has a similar parking experience so we didn't meet up until an hour after our scheduled rendez-vous.

While waiting, I decided to defrost in the Torpedo Factory.  A woman approached me in the bathroom and asked if I would be interested in a 25 year old gentleman who just earned his PhD.  Before I could even as my usual questions (how tall is he?) she informed me he is her son and lives in Nebraska.  Oh well.  I was really hoping he would be the one.  I'm sure if I keep checking public facilities, I'll come across another desperate mother with a more geographically desirable son she's willing to pimp out.

After an hour or so in the art galleries and one old photographer hitting on me later, we got food.  Then we realized it would be another 3 hours until the boat parade. This part isn't super exciting...we shopped.

Now to the best part.  The boats.  These boats were spectacular.  The inspired ideas, the flawless execution, and the cheering crowds were....absent.  Basically, a hundred people stood on a dock and watched several boats go by who's owners got bored, stumped, or injured halfway through decoration (that's the only explanation I can think of for the lackluster nature of the light show). My friend, A, and  spent the whole time laughing along with the people around us and in the end decided we should win the competition for being the most entertaining and well decorated people there.  A, if you're reading this, I am sorry you endured 9 straight hours in Old Town Alexandria today.  But I had a lovely time.  I, however, am easily amused.

Next week's holiday adventure?  ICE at National Harbor.  I have high hopes.

And now you all are probably wondering how I chose the name for this post.  Well my friend and I were in Old Town today had to be there.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cups by Lulu & The Lampshades

I got my ticket for the long way round,
Four bottles of whiskey for the way.
And I sure would like some sweet company,
Oh, I'm leaving tomorrow,
What do ya say?
"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining."

- Anne Lamott

Monday, November 12, 2012

A couple of weeks ago, I was walking home from work and some people handed me a flier urging me to go online and sign a petition against a new homeless shelter that was to be opened nearby. They claimed it's existence would attract homeless people to the area, making it less safe for us to walk the streets at night. I took the flier and didn't think much about it until I recently found it in my room. And now I am angry.

The problem with our society is that it doesn't want to deal with it's problem. The fact is, there are a lot of homeless people everywhere. In larger cities, they can be seen more often on the streets or in public transportation hubs, asking for money or just trying to find shelter against the elements. This is a problem because not enough effort is being made to help people. The rest of us view them as a burden or "creepy" as we walk by, barely glancing. How many times have you walked by a homeless person who is talking to themselves? Not every homeless person needs mental assistance but I would say there are a great many who do and who remain on the streets because they simply don't have the money to get help. They have schizophrenic, multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, or a range of other mental illnesses that cause subjective distress and make it difficult for them to function in normal day-to-day activities.

The idea of sending money over seas to a starving child in an impoverished country has become glamorized by our "American Dream" driven society. There are starving children and starving adults on our doorstep and we overlook them in favor of helping other countries because the media makes us believe they need it more. "We live in America, the land of opportunity. So why help your neighbor when they have every chance to succeed like you have and simply failed due to their own shortcomings? Help this child in this sad photograph. He has nothing." Go outside, walk down the street in DC or LA or NY and find a homeless person. They have nothing and need your help. I am not objecting to helping other countries. By all means, help anybody and everybody you can. But consider fixing the problems we have caused before trying to be a glamorized hero to the impoverished abroad.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Morale Boost

When I was in Vegas for my mother's 60th birthday, we went to mall in Planet Hollywood to see a show.  A love of theater is something my mom and I have always shared and some of my fondest memories are the plays we have gone too.  In order to make it a special night, I got all gussied up in my New Years Eve dress (the one I recently posted about not fitting....yeah buddy! I can wear it again!) and we made our way out there.  While standing in line with my mother waiting to get into the theater, a funny thing happened.

A man approached me and my mother in order to let me know that I have a nice ass.  Yep.  I still got it.  My mom's reaction? "Oh yeah, all these guys have been staring at your sparkly ass walking through the mall."

Love you mommy.  And thank you dude. I will do my best to keep this butt in complimentable shape.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pump, pump, pump it up!

I am sore.  Like, really sore.  Have been for the past week. And I love it! For me, soreness means that my workouts are doing what they are supposed to.

As I probably mentioned, a friend and I purchased 30-day gym trials from Groupon a couple of weeks ago. Our 30-days started last Monday and we will not be wasting a day of this trial period.  So far, we have been  hitting the gym down the street from our office (she's also a coworker) every morning around 7am.

On Mondays, we need to recover from the weekend so getting up early is a challenge.  So far, both weeks, we have gone after work instead of before and done a longer workout consisting of alternations between running 1/4mi and doing arm exercises.  I really like this because the run feels like a rest but keeps my heart pumping.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are spinning class at 7am.  The Tuesday instructor leaves something to be desired while the Thursday instructor is phenomenal. Last Tuesday was my first EVER class and I gotta say, my butt was hurting after...literally.  I figured the discomfort was the reason I had a hard time keeping up and making it through the class but after borrowing a pair of biking shorts from my roommate and going again this week, I see the difference between a good instructor and a bad one. She just isn't very motivating and her music does not line up with the moves she has us do.  The Thursday instructor, however, chooses songs that match what she wants us to do (last week had an Usher theme and we had to turn up the speed every time he said "let it burn").  I'm looking forward to Thursday's class but then we need to decide whether or not to continue in the Tuesday class.

Wednesdays and Fridays are abs/back and legs.  We were going to just run 3 miles on Friday but that got a little boring and we didn't have a legs day so we decided to switch it up.

I'm already feeling better and with my friend as a coach (she used to coach rowing teams and worked with a lot of athletes), I am so excited to see what results I can get by the end of the month.  I'm hoping to convince her to buy a full membership with me afterward.

Currently Coveting, Beauty Edition

Since I spend a embarrassing ample amount of time looking at beauty products online, trying to determine what different products do and what I should buy, I figured I'd share with you a list of things I really, really want:

NARS blush - This seems to be a favorite among the beauty bloggers of the world.  Mostly, I just want one to try, probably "Orgasm" (I know, I know).  But some other shades I have seen get some love are "Douceur", "Amour", and "Sin".

Hourglass Foundation Blush Brush - I have seen this brush raved about.  At a whopping $58, I highly doubt I will be purchasing this anytime in the near future.  I really just need brushes in general, which brings me to the next thing on my list....

Any MAC Brushes - I am obsessed with MAC.  My aunt took me into a MAC store when I was a preteen and told me I was ready to own "real makeup".  I bought a metallic purple lipstick and an ice blue eye shadow and my 13 year old self just fell in love. I now have about 8 eye shadows....all around 6 years old (the whole "in college and poor working for $8/hour all my money goes to rent" phase put a pause on my cosmetic purchasing). Now that I make my own money, I plan to buy some quality brushes (I currently use my fingers to apply most...ok, all of my makeup).

NARS Foundation - My other brand obsession is definitely NARS.  I have trouble choosing the correct foundation color so as soon as I finish my bottle of not-quite-right Cover Girl, I am going to get a beauty consultation and invest in a proper foundation color.

Lancome "La Vie Est Belle" Fragrance - I might have just purchased the new Coach "Poppy Blossom" but who says you can only wear one perfume?  I got a sample of this from Sephora and fell in love.

Clarins The 'It' Kit - I want to try their SPF moisturizer and this kit includes a full size bottle.  The moisturizer alone would cost about $8 less than the kit so I might as well get the whole shebang since Clarins seems to be a favorite for skincare.  I'm looking for new things and this kit just might have something unexpected I'll love.

Well, that's all for now.  Without a doubt, I will be back with more items to lust over soon.  Picking out makeup feels like my second job.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Onward and upward

It has begun.  I proclaim this.....THE WINTER OF LIZ!!  Any Seinfeld fans out there?  No?  Just my mother?  Ok.....moving on.

Anyway, seeing as it's a day that ends it "Y", I figured I would announce my newest life goals. Basically, the next few months are going be very focused on finding my center and becoming comfortable in my mind, skin, and environment.  I'm instituting a new skincare and beauty regime as well as a workout plan.  I have a few books that I hope to get through and I intend to budget.  Basically, I want to be healthier and more put together while also padding my bank account.  Challenging?  Probably.

The three aspects are mind, body, and environment.

Mind:  I am going to focus on positive, constructive thinking.  The books on my list are The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, Bitches on a Budget by Rosalyn Hoffman, and Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman. I'm not usually a fan of self-help "this is going to change your life" type books but I am willing to give them a chance and if they fail to change me, oh well.  I expect I'll be able to learn something from all of these.

Body:  Exercise, skin care, and clothing.  I beat my body up.  I snack a lot and spend all day in a chair.  Then I go home and spend the night on my couch, pretzel bag by my side.  I rarely wash my face and scarcely wake up in time to actually put on my make up or get my hair in working order.  But not anymore!  A friend and I both purchased 30-day passes to a gym near work and have vowed to go every day for the next month.  I'm hoping this will get me (and my friend) into the habit and we continue our memberships past the 30 days. I'm instituting a new beauty regime that involves washing all the gunk off my face at night, moisturizing, and putting a little somethin'-somethin' on in the mornings.  I'm also going to cook more and buy less, take vitamins, and attempt to wear better outfits.  Accessorize?  I'm sure I knew how to do that once.  It's like riding a bike....right?  Right? 

Environment:  I need to clean my room.  And paint it.  The yellow is driving my up the wall (...see what I did there?).  This one is pretty straight forward.  Organize my space and keep it clean.

Stay tuned for updates on new and improved me!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

An Update

I have been absent.  My posts seems to be a once-a-month sort of thing. This time, lets skip the whole "I'm so sorry and I promise to do better" and I both know I probably won't.  So instead, lets just try to enjoy this short time we have together and savor the moment because it will probably be a while before there is another.  Moving on....

In the same vein, I have let most of my birthday resolutions slip.  Since the move, I haven't been exercising (hard to motive myself without that handy gym right downstairs), I have been spending WAY too much money, and...I can't remember the rest, but I doubt I have made much progress.  I'm starting over...again.  This time, I hope it sticks.

Well the title of this post indicates that I have to update you on my life.  My parents moved to Florida (finally) just a couple of weeks after I moved myself.  This has caused some chaos because I now need to remember to change the billing/mailing addresses on all of my accounts.  Before, they would always just be my parents' address so that I didn't have to change it every time I moved but now I don't have that fall back. Independence is rough.

My recent obsessions are books and vintage things, mostly pyrex or glassware.  I went estate sale shopping that week and came back with zilch. All over various blogs, I see people going to thrift shop and yard sales and finding beautiful things for like $2 but I never seem so lucky.  Maybe I'm just not dedicated enough.

The weather has turned cold here in the nation's capital.  Its raining so terribly today.  I took my first rainy walk to the metro stop and it wasn't too terrible. I do have to leave my house about 10 minutes earlier than I'd like thanks to Rush Plus.  I thought it was supposed to make the metro more efficient but it seems much worse to me.  Before, I would arrive at the station and there would be trains ever 2 or 3 minutes.  Now, I have seen wait times up to 10 minutes during rush hour.  And when the trains do come, they are over crowded. The metro people need to get there stuff together.  Seriously. And commuters need to be more polite in general, but I could take an entire other post to talk about that problem....maybe I will.

My new house is great so far.  It's really coming together and my roommates and I are getting along.  J travels for work a lot and is busy when she's home but C and I have had time to bond a little and she is super nice. One problem I have with the new place?  The range.  The oven takes FOREVER to cook things and the stove top seems to always get too hot or not hot enough.  I can't wait until I have a place of my own and can choose my appliances.  Gas range, all the way...preferably Wolf. On that note, I loathe side by side refrigerators.  There is no space for anything. In addition to a top of the line range, I'm going to have a huge refrigerator and a separate freezer, just like my Grandparents had.  Totally the way to go.

I don't know if I mentioned this already, but my room is yellow.  Like, sunshine fart yellow.  It makes my furniture look sallow.  I have a beautiful vintage cream colored bedroom set with gold trim but it is dangerously close to the yellow wall color so the yellow just bounces around, tainting everything.  It is getting painted very soon.  I finally chose a color and now I just need to get my shit together enough to actually paint.  By the way, it will be Benjamin Moore's Glass Slipper, a beautiful light, stormy blue. I can't wait.  Even the blinds are beige/yellow.  Never, EVER, paint a room yellow unless the furniture in it will be white or dark brown.

Well, that's all I have for you today.  Exciting, I know.  See you in a month or so!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


My roommates and I just moved into a beautiful, disheveled, quaint, somewhat creepy house.  We are in the midst of setting everything up, which means each room is in some level of disarray.

My parents donated a ton of furniture so the place is pretty much good to go. We have a spacious, open floor place with living room (complete with a 45-inch plasma), an open dining room (with a black lacquer dining set), and a sun room that will soon be transformed into a bar decorated with another big TV and the plethora of vintage beer items I have acquired from my mother, who's father was a distributer in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Speaking of donated furniture, I am not the proud owner of my Dad's mini-fridge sized meat smoker.  What to make, what to make?

Pictures to follow!

Friday, August 17, 2012


"Ordinary people simply doing their jobs without any particular hostility can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority."

This quote is from an article I just read reviewing a recent film, Compliance.  The film is a fictionalized retelling of one incident in a series of crimes committed in the decade leading up to 2004.  A man would call a fast food restaurant, pretending to be a police officer, and instruct the manager to strip search and sexually assault one of their employees, claiming the employee had been accused of stealing and these actions were necessary to find the stolen merchandise/money.

The article highlights a very interesting psychological phenomenon: the fact that, in certain circumstances, people will act completely opposite to their perceived moral code.  This has been examined multiple times, for example, in the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Obedience Study (mentioned in the article). The basic idea is simple.  When asked about certain circumstances in which people act savagely toward others, most individuals are adamant that they would never commit such actions.  However, when put into similar conditions, a large percentage of people react contrary to their beliefs.  

I find this interesting because it makes you really question what you are capable of.  It's very easy to make a broad statement of your moral code when talking in purely hypothetical terms.  But evidence has shown that people tend to deviate when given the opportunity.  Think about how somebody acts when placed in a position of power.  It is the rare person that will not want more and use their power to the extent of it's reach.  

The other interesting aspect of the situation depicted in the movie is the fact that most people do not question an authority figure when they are asked to do something.  How many people would actually question whether or not the man on the other line is a police officer?  I like to think I would, knowing that there must be protocol in place to regulate how things like that are done.  But for an adult working in a fast food restaurant, what experience or education are they working off of?  What would prompt them to question somebody claiming to be a police officer?  At my place of business, I answer the phones regularly and when judges, other attorneys, or courts call, I don't question who they are.  Often times, calls get put through and I am later told it was a sales call to which my only defense is "well, they sounded like they knew you."  People can be deceptive and, as the article states, it isn't in our nature to question claims to authority.

Like most odd psychological questions, I think this particular facility is one of the many put in place to make our cognitive functions run more smoothly.  The same applies for ideas of stereotypes.  We are wired to recognize patterns and base our judgments off of them.  If we had to analyze every situation from the ground up, we would never get anything done.  To be more efficient, our brain store general concepts and when we are faced with a situation, we assess what area it belongs and act accordingly.  This can help as well as hurt us but it would be near impossible to function smoothly without it. 

This article and the ideas behind it call into question our very ability to understand ourselves. I just thought I would share this because psychology is one of my main interests.  I find human action and interaction fascinating.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Birthday weekend

I know you all are just on edge waiting hear how my birthday weekend went.  Well, where did I leave off?  Thursday?  Friday?  Friday it is.

On Friday, I was a little busy after work so the only exercise I really got was the walk at lunch.  Friday night I walked all the way to Whitlow's in high heels and I tell ya, that ought to count for something!  Bonus points?  I walked all the way home in them also!  Although I must credit some of my bravery and strength to some...uh...liquid courage.

Needless to say, I did not go for a run Saturday morning as my birthday celebrations left a wee bit incapacitated.  Once I was (almost) certain I could keep down breakfast, J and I managed to drag ourselves and my couch-crashing friends over to Bayou for some extremely delicious biscuits and beignets.  I tell you, when I move out to Ballston, I better still be able to make it the whole 2 miles down the road to get those hangover curing biscuits. After that, J and I bid farewell to the boys, pointing them toward the metro, as we made our way to Harris Teeter for one of the most nauseating grocery shopping trip I have ever encountered.  Who knew the smell of fresh baked bread and the sight of the beer aisle could be so torturous? We got all of our necessities for the BBQ later that day (and made sure to text friends to pick up the items we inevitable forgot) and went home for some much needed R&R on the couch, finishing up the final season of our Friends DVDs.

Around 3, we began skewering out marinated chicken and shrimp, wrapping pineapple in bacon, and anticipating the arrival of our guests.  We glanced out the window and noticed the courtyard was packed.  A momentary panic spread when we realized the only two grills were occupied but I resolved to send my oh so charming, 6'3" T to go secure us a grill.  We ended up not having a problem and set up some blankets downstairs once everyone arrived.  The BBQ turned out great.  We ate and chatted and played a few heated rounds of Bocce, only retreating indoors when the sky threatened to open up on us.  After that, we watched the Olympics in the clubroom.  Once a few people had to go home, the rest of us went back to our apartment, got dressed (after I tried on numerous outfits and my friend suggested I wear a tailored work dress, unbuttoned with a lace cami underneath...that got vetoed) and made out way out to Clarendon Grill.  I got spilled on about 7 times in the 2 1/2 hours we were shakin it on the dance floor.  We hobbled home at 2am, covered in glow sticks, and promptly passed out.

Sunday morning arrived a little too soon and with it, my first flag football game in two months.  Thankfully, the game was not until noon and I was remarkably free of any hangover.  J and I drove out to Centreville and almost got lost since neither of us had been in so long.  When we finally made it, almost our whole team had managed to show up, giving us a full group of subs.  I played defense, rushing the quarterback all game, which left me shaky and sore after allowing myself to fall well out of shape since our last game.  There were a couple of plays in which he gave us the run around and I just wanted to stop running but I managed to give it a good go and we won the game (not necessarily due to my assistance).

After the game, J and I dawdled before heading to my parents house in order to give the inspector time to leave (they are selling the house).  Once there, we changed, I showed her around the main setting of all my childhood memories, and planted ourselves on the couch to watch the Olympics while my dad prepared food and my mom talked.  Dad made shrimp po boys, one of my favorites (J's first time having one), and red velvet cake.  They same Happy Birthday to me while I sang it to Jenny and I made her blow out a candle on the cake.  We watched "Mirror, Mirror", which left me aching to run my fingers through Armie Hammer's impeccable hair, before heading home and falling asleep to the women's gymnastics competition

All in all, it was a really great weekend.  As for presents, I got a wine decanter, wine glasses, a bottle of wine (sensing a theme?), a pasta roller (!!!!!!), a couple of Le Creuset casserole dishes (!!!!!), some miscellaneous kitchen things (really...sensing a theme?), and a lot of love.  Thanks to my family and friends for being so fantastic and celebrating with me!  I plan to make 23 as spectacular as 1-22 have been!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Some Joyce Carol Oates quotes

“We work in the dark—we do what we can—we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.”

“It makes me angry sometimes, it’s a visceral thing—how you come to despise your own words in your ears not because they aren’t genuine, but because they are; because you’ve said them so many times, your ‘principles,’ your ‘ideals’—and so damned little in the world has changed because of them.”

“Her first intense, serious love affair, yes then she’d lost something more tangible, if undefinable: her heart? her independence? her control of, definition of, self? That first true loss, the furious bafflement of it. And never again quite so assured, confident.”

“…failure is a human condition, not victory over odds; for each Hellen Keller who triumphs, there are tens of millions who fail, mute and deaf and insensate as vegetables tossed upon a vast garbage pile to rot.”

"My belief is that art should not be comforting; for comfort, we have mass entertainment and one another. Art should provoke, disturb, arouse our emotions, expand our sympathies in directions we may not anticipate and may not even wish." 

"And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices." 

"For what is delusion but the prelude to hurt. And what is hurt but the prelude to rage."

Starting over for the last time

If you have read my previous posts and your short term memory is fully functional, you may recall that I made a few resolutions to start this fresh new year in my life.  My main one is to exercise.  I make this promise all the time and this time I will stick to it because something horrible, wretched, AWFUL happened last night!

I was trying to decide what to wear for my birthday festivities tonight and thought I would give my good ol' sequined New Years Eve dress a try.  Well, as you could probably guess, it is too small.  I thought maybe, dresses being fairly forgiving, 15 pounds wouldn't be too bad.  But 15 pounds makes a difference, people...a big difference.  So whenever I lack inspiration or I am tempted to shirk my exercise responsibilities, I simply need to remember that feeling.  And if I have trouble remembering it, the dress is hanging in my closet, mocking me as I gently weep into my ice cream bowl.

I made the decision to do a sort of 30-day challenge which means I have to exercise in some form for at least 30 minutes every day for the next 30 days. I'm hoping that, by sticking to this, I can muscle through the lack of motivation and form a gym habit so that exercising can feel fun and necessary again.  I used to be so good and feel bad if I didn't go to the gym.  Then I went through a period where I couldn't go and its been a struggle for a few months. I think I am mostly bored with running but never feel satisfied with other things. I'm also frustrated that I can pound out 4 miles like I used to.  Starting over is a big downer but if I can focus, I should be back on track in no time.

The good news is I am off to a good start.  Well, one day so far.  But that's better than my repeated decisions to "start tomorrow".  I got up at 6:00am yesterday, of my own accord (not even with an alarm!) and went for a 2 mile run.  I was pleasantly surprised because I apparently have not backslid as much as I thought.  I was fully prepared to do the whole walk-a-quarter-mile-then-run-half-a-mile thing but I kept the speed fairly low and ran at a steady pace for a full mile before I needed a break.  Even then, I wasn't out of breath or dying, I just had a stomach cramp.

This morning, I was exhausted, so I slept in.  Which is bad.  I will be more disciplined in the future, I promise.  But the good news is my parents and I rescheduled dinner which frees up time for a run when I get home.

Nobody likes you when you're 23

I know, I know....way over played.  But I HAD TO DO IT!  Despite the famous Blink 182 line, I managed to make it through my birthday and still feel well-liked.  But I suppose there are still 363 days left to my 23rd year.

My birthday was pretty low-key.  My plan was to get started on the whole resolutions thing ASAP but the "it's my birthday and I am going to do what ever I want" mindset won out so instead of waking up at 6am to run 2 miles, I slept until 7:40. Then.....I went to work. Womp, womp.  But my mom sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and I got a million text messages and facebook posts and what not.  Cheesy (and most, probably fake) but exciting all the same.

When 5:30 FINALLY rolled around, a couple of friends from work and I went check out Redline, a bar in Chinatown.  I invited a few other friends (the booths can only hold 8 so I limited my guest list) and we all met for drinks and appetizers, pizza, and dessert.  This was really the first year I had an obligation the day after my birthday so I held firm to my lets-not-get-super-drunk-and-vomit-at-work-the-next-day rule.  My friends did buy me a Happy Birthday Shot, which came out with a lit sparkler attached and tasted remarkably like chocolate cake.  In case you're wondering, the food at Redline is delicious.  We had some chicken skewers, lobster mac and cheese, alligator (yes...alligator), wings, and pizza.  They also have table top taps so we chose a table with Bud Light and Sam Adams Summer Ale.  Be careful though...when you are in charge of dispensing your own beer, the tab begins to rise fairly fast. Jenny and I stumbled home, drunk off of food rather than drink, and passed I passed out around 11.  

All in all, a good day. But in true twenty-something fashion, it being Friday and all, the real celebration begins tonight....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Year Resolutions

Tomorrow is my birthday, the start of a new year in my life.  Since I didn't quite stick to my resolutions from the more widely recognized New Year, going backwards more often than forwards, I have decided to set some new ones to start tomorrow.  I'll be 23 and I think it is about time I get on track. So starting tomorrow, I will.....

- Exercise, damnit!  I say this all the time.  I say it yearly, monthly, weekly....daily!  I need to exercise. The problem is, I find it boring.  Part of me views this as an indication that I have moved on from some of my aggression of the past.  It used to be easy to find motivation to run by turning to some anger or resentment I was harboring toward a certain someone in the recent past.  But at the moment I find myself...apathetic.  So from now on, I need new inspiration.  And when inspiration lacks, I need self control. The ability to tell myself to do something and actually get it done.  I will wake up at 6am, actually get out of bed, and move forward toward progress. That extra hour of sleep isn't worth the guilt I feel at the end of the say or terror of putting on an item of clothing that used to fit perfectly and having to dig out my older, larger pants.

- Stop procrastinating....and forgetting.  I do that a lot. I will tell myself to do something as soon as I get home and in the time it takes to walk from the metro to my apartment, completely forget. I suppose I'll need some sort of system for this but I'll work something out.  Carry a notebook, perhaps.

-Clean thoroughly and often.  Clean my bedroom, clean the kitchen, clean my email inbox, clean my body, clean, clean, clean.  I need to declutter.  I have a lot of stuff I never use and it is time to downsize.  Part of me kept thinking I just needed more space.  For the past couple years I have been saying to myself "my room is too's impossible to be organized when things don't fit."  Well, why do I need so much stuff?  The answer...I don't!

- Go do shit.  I need to get out more.  Plain and simple.  Maybe I need to learn to be alone better and go do things by myself.  But I would much rather have people to do stuff with.  Any takers?

- STOP BEING NERVOUS ABOUT EVERYTHING! The prospect of moving, the idea of getting a new job, the chance of encounters with strangers.  I need to chill out.

Those are the big ones.  I'm sure if I thought about it, I could come up with a million small things I need to do to be a better me.  But I am also going to try to stop obsessing over things like that.  I'm a pretty good version of myself. I felt so out of whack for so long that it has been an interesting and difficult journey reclaiming myself over the past year and a half.  But I feel comfortable now. Bring it on, 23!

C'mon love, give us a smile

I tend toward sadder music. I think it has something to do with the way happiness cannot be trusted. Think about it. Portraiture tends to revolve around people, posed or candid, not smiling. Its because a smile is almost always staged, covering up some underlying turmoil. Happiness feels fleeting while sadness feels inescapable.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What did you do last night to get such bad Karma? Trip an old person? Hit a child's ice cream out of their hand?

That was my roommate's response when I told her about my morning.  I woke up 45 minutes late but still managed to get to the metro at a reasonable time.  One station in, I step off the train to allow other riders to exit and, lo and behold, my ex comes rushing off.  The one that cheated on me. I don't think he saw me.  To top it off, I some how managed to cut my tongue on my yogurt container.  Don't ask why I was licking the top of the container.  It seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm sorry

I want to blog.  I really do.  I get ideas and I come here and I try to record them in a cohesive manner to share with the world.  Then the world gets in my way.  Work is busy.  My room looks like a fashion war zone.  When I get home, I inevitably have a headache from staring at the computer screen all day so the last thing I want to so is stare a little longer.  But I will persevere.  I promise.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Smitten Kitchen

Have your heard of Deb? She is my favorite. I would love to be her bff. Shout out!

I have made my way through (probably) hundreds of food blogs ever since I discovered my cooking obsession during spring break my 3rd year at UVA. Three of my friends were heading down to Florida and I had planned to go with them. It was going to be a blasty blast. We all drove up to my house the day before our 15-hour trip down, with the intention of picking up some stuff I needed as well as a friend who was meeting us in NoVA. Then, tragedy of all tragedies, my mom explained I had to choose between spring break in Florida and beach week with my sorority. Since beach week was more of a the-whole-school-goes-and-has-a-week-long-party-in-Myrtle thing, I chose beach week. More bang for my buck (it was only $40 since we crammed 15 people into a tiny house...that's another story). Anyway, I still had to drive my commrades back to Cville where they were leaving for the trip (I had driven them all to NoVA). The resentment at having to give up the trip kept me from driving back home so there I was, stuck at school. Thankfully, my boyfriend at the time was working there so he was stuck as well. I decided that, without anything else to do all day, I should cook a different, fancy dinner for two each night. It went swimmingly and I spent the rest of our year together cooking for him (sometimes happily and sometimes begrudgingly).

He is in the past but my need to cook, especially for those I love, remains. And it is fed by the many many food blogs I have found. Seeing what others create and hearing their stories of inspiration gives my ideas and offers a sort of second-degree support system when I am worried I won't be able to accomplish something.

Enter Smitten Kitchen. I found this blog way back when and it has been a favorite ever since. Some have come and gone, offering excitement at first then dwindling (I also forget about a few I really love which makes me sad but there are just so many to keep track of) but Smitten Kitchen has held strong. I have made a few things from her site (the chicken and mushroom marsala is a fave and leftovers are currently in my fridge) and bookmarked countless others.

So there it is. A glimpse at why I am the way I am. And a fabulous blog. Seriously. Go check it out. The cook something!

Spring has sprung....

...and I'm about to pop!

This weekend was a food fest like I have not experienced in a while (aside from the beautiful Italian Christmas feast I was included in a few months ago).

This past weekend housed both the beginning of Passover and Easter. That means I had a seder with my family on Saturday night (we had to skip Friday because mama wasn't feeling too hot) then I skipped on over to M's house for Easter dinner and a basket full of candy. There was brisket, soup, ham, lamb, pasta, pie, and birthday cake. Had I taken any pictures, I would share them (or maybe not since it seems I never share pictures on here. Sorry.) Everything was so delicious and I ended up driving home around 6pm and immediately passing out for 2 1/2 hours.

With a Jewish mother and Catholic father, I tend to dabble in both holiday worlds. I fully consider myself Jewish so the religious aspects of "dad's holidays" are fairly lost on me but I do enjoy the perks of Christmas dinner and presents, a King cake on Fat Tuesday and candy on Easter. The Jewish holidays hold more water to me and are times of prayer as well as celebration. I have always been taught more about them and I feel that, for me, understanding has brought belief.

That being said, I acknowledge that everyone has their own religious beliefs that they are entitled to. I don't think one religion makes more rational sense then another. I see them all as a set of beliefs put into place to help people. The idea of a higher power and the solidarity of belonging to a particular sect can be, at the minimum, a source of comfort, especially in times of sadness or difficulty. When observed, most religions hold the same basic moral standards and I find those to be the most important. So regardless of titles, religious ethics and moral standards are what link us together.

About a year ago, I had to have an important conversation with somebody in my life and it brought all these issues to light. I had never really taken a serious look at my religious beliefs or considered how they could (or should) affect my life decisions, especially if they didn't "match" what others close to be believed. My argument was similar to what I just said above. In the more specific matter of having children with someone of another religion, I believe it is more about specific teachings rather than grand labels. He did not feel the same way and that lack of faith in our future came to light in a terrible way. Ever since, this has been an issue I have had to consider and reconsider.

At the same time, I feel far too young to have to worry about that. I might use that as an excuse to avoid a few of my more "mature" issues.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wine and Love....late again

So this is late but I am going to do it anyway. I have been fairly unmotivated in all aspects of life lately (including this blog) but it is high time to get back on track!

Wine and love is hosted by Nora. Want to join? Read this page for the meme instructions and grab the picture. The go to Walking With Nora to link up!

Wine, Wine, Wine

- I have gained 10 pounds. J and I did an official first weigh in almost two weeks ago and that is what I discovered. Immediately after that discovery (and a good dose of self loathing), we set a series of fitness goals and rewards over the next three months with weekly weigh ins and bi-monthly prizes if we reach our goals.
- Work has been a little slow going but busy at the same time. I'm having trouble staying focused and the fact that I am not in a field I am interested in has really been bothering me lately. It feels like I'm not really working toward anything or using my intelligence.
- I want to eat ALL THE TIME. I get home and I just want to snack on everything in the house. Need to get that under control ASAP.
- My culinary creations this week have not been very exceptional. One of my pizza's came out soggy and a farro salad was overpowered by balsamic.
- Money is tight as always.
- One of my friends at work will be leaving next week.
- I have been trying to figure out how to meet new people and I am fairly stumped. I don't want to meet people in a bar but I don't really have other activities I participate in. J is having a similar issue but she has club soccer and other sport activities that she does.

Love, Love, Love
- J and I set goals and so far it looks like we are going to make our first one coming up this Sunday (which means we get mani/pedis.
- My mom took me shopping this weekend and I got a few new tops and a couple new bottoms for work. I finally am not wearing the same pants everyday and I have come into work feeling cute everyday this week.
- I went to work at Lawrence's last Saturday to help out while Tim was out of town and it was a blast. Such a fun atmosphere there. And I left with a little extra spending money in my pocket.
- I made it through this week without buying lunch or dinner and I only bought breakfast once.
- J and I went for a run outside last night and made it just under 5 miles. I almost passed out while doing some light weight lifting after but I am still proud!
- A new receptionist was hired so I will be moving to a real legal assistant's desk next week.
- The weather has been super nice this week. Like, in the 60s and today it is supposed to get up to 73.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are people insane?

A coworker just brought this issue to my attention. I realize now it is somewhat old news but apparently some states are raising the driving age to 17 or 18. I personally feel this is a terrible idea and I don't understand how a rational human being can consider is an improvement over current laws.

Here is how I see it. Kids go off to college at 18. To raise the driving age would send them off on their own with little to no gained experience behind the wheel. And what do kids start to do once they are away from their parents? They try things they were forbidden to try before. For most young adults, that means alcohol consumption and for some, drug usage. So who thinks it is a good idea to send kids off to college with no driving experience and new found freedom? They will drink and drive. That is just a fact. Yes, there are some very responsible individuals that don't drink or, if they do, stay away from the wheel. But the majority of 18 or 19 year old college students are not responsible. If they get behind the wheel and they are intoxicated, a year or two of driving experience will not make a huge difference but it will mean they know how to operate the car smoothly and their reflexes have gotten a chance to adapt.

I think the law (and parents) need to back off their children a bit. If you look at older generations, they restrictions were not as strict. Drinking age was lower, kids were acting more independently at a younger age. So why do they think tightening the leash will make their children safer? The truth is, you cannot watch your children every minute of every day and allowing they experience things and make mistakes will force them to learn responsibility. Coddling them by imposing harsh curfews and chauffeuring them around until they are shipped off to a campus that is much less supervised then you imagine will only leave them inexperienced and eager to act out.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is anybody even reading this?

Ok ok ok. I know. I am terrible at keeping up with this blog. But I have an excuse...I promise! I have been sick lately. And eating a lot, which takes up most of my time. Like, I am not kidding. I get home and I eat until I go to sleep. The dent in my favorite couch cushion is proof of this. I have been in full on hibernation mode. I mostly blame J who has been busy or out of town for the past few weekends, leaving me to fend for my self in terms of social planning. When I am left to my own devices, I tend to opt out of interacting with others. Isn't it exhausting? Smiling, laughing, having fun? Psh, give me an unwatched TV series and a bowl of pretty much anything bad for me and I am good to go.

And then there is the blog. I am usually so busy reading the thousands of blogs I subscribe to that I completely forget that I have my own. But here I am because I love you and I have made a commitment. In sickness and in health (which I'm not sure which one I exist in at the moment), for richer and poorer (definitely in the latter on that), as long as we both (or I) shall live.

What to tell you about? Ah, here is something good. I had to get four fillings in the past two weeks. I know what you're thinking. Geez, this chick needs to brush her damn teeth and lay off the sugar. But no. I brush my teeth and I pretty much detest sugary candy (chocolate however, is a completely different story). These are the first cavities I have had since childhood-bordering-on-adolescence. AND two of them were around existing fillings! Totally not my fault! So anyway, back to the story.

Last week, I got my top two done, the ones around existing fillings. I get in the chair and the first thing I do is inform the dental hygienist that I DO NOT like needles. I had a tooth pulled when I was a child and I would not let the dude give me a numbing shot. Yeah, I am that girl. So she tells me that dentist can take a look and since its a small filling I might not need a shot. Now I get a little embarrassed and qualify my previous statement with "I mean, I won't be a baby about it. I'm if I need the shot, I will man up and take it......but if not, that would be great." Dentist takes a look and decides that because he is taking out pre-existing fillings, shots will be necessary. He does some cheek shaking voodoo distraction and it works like a charm. Then I feel like an idiot. Because shots are not that bad people. This is the same shame that I experienced after riding a roller coaster for the first time two summers ago (mind you, upon my return to Kings Dominion, having already ridden all the roller coasters in the park, I was still scared shitless and refused to ride half of them). The dentist does his thing, I leave, the numbness wears off after about an hour, and I head into work.

Now, here is where the story gets good. Wednesday morning, I had to go in to get two more teeth fixed because there was some decay (such a dire way of putting it) in between. This time, a technician numbs me instead of the dentist. She gives me two giant shots of evil whatever. Pretty soon, the entire left side of my mouth is numb. Then the left side of my tongue. Then my cheek. Then my ear. Doctor does his thing, makes a comment about how oddly numb I am, and tells me it should wear off in an hour. On the car ride home, my dad calls me so he can hear me garble my words and a lisp my way through a Novocain-ed conversation. He also assures me it will only last another hour or so.

Back in my apartment, I attempt to nap on the couch until the numbness subsides but wind up watching TV instead. About 45 minutes pass and I realize I am starving because I didn't eat before my appointment. But what does one eat when numb? I figured something liquid-y, like yogurt, would be a safe bet because it doesn't require chewing. This, my dear readers, was a terrible mistake. The tongue is much more important in the consumption of yogurt than I imagined, guiding it to the back of your mouth rather than allowing it to spill out of the corners. When your tongue and half your mouth are numb, do not eat yogurt.

I abandoned the idea of eating and waited another hour. Now I was 2 hours into the numbness with no sign of it ever stopping. I watched reruns of The OC, dreaming of the beautiful breakfast feast I could consume if my mouth would only function. I couldn't go to work yet because I am receptionist and I am sure plaintiffs do not want to call in and speak to somebody who can't, well...speak.

Another hour passes and by now I am fairly certain something has gone terribly wrong and I will just have to learn to live with a numb face. I eat a banana using what I will from now on have to refer to as "the good side of my mouth". I'm panicked and hungry and sleepy. Then....the numbness subsides. Slowly, I can feel my ear, then my cheek, then my tongue, until finally only a small part of my lip is still numb. I inhaled some eggs and left for work, rolling in four hours late and explaining to everyone the horror I had just endured.

So in the course of two weeks, the dentist went from slightly unlikeable, to not as bad as I thought, then right back to horrifying.

Oh, and by the end of the day I had a raging head cold. Yeah. Best week ever.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just stopping by to say hello

Today was rough. So was yesterday. It's only Tuesday and I am already wiped. For some reason, it seems all of my attorneys come up with tasks for me at the same time and I am also helping out with another attorney's project today and tomorrow. Anyway, I thought I would stop by and give a little update on my life.

This weekend was fun. I mean, it was Super Bowl weekend so of course it was fun. And best of all....THE GIANTS WON!!!! As my newly adopted team, I am quite pleased with the way this season ended. Thinking about it, I have switched teams 3 times in the past 3 years and my chosen team has won the Super Bowl each year. First the Saints, then the Packers (temporary insanity induced by an ex) and now the Giants. I watched the game with my best friend and his family, since they are from New York and big Giants fans. there was so much food and beer and profane language. A lovely evening all around.

Yesterday morning, I had to go to the dentist and get two cavities filled. That was not very fun but also not as bad as I thought. I am such a baby that the dentist had to do a weird cheek shaking thing to distract me while he gave me the numbing shot. Afterward, I went to my parents house and where a batch of my favorite cookies were waiting for me.

I barely ran a mile yesterday and felt as if I was going to pass out. I am bypassing the attempted workout tonight because I can tell I would struggle. That is probably not the right attitude but oh well. I guess I'll have to get back on track a little more slowly.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Insert first year joke here

First year of college was my favorite.

(You all probably refer to your first year of college as "freshman year". But I went to UVA and because Jefferson believed that learning never ended, we say first year, second year, so on and so forth. Moving on)

First year of college was my favorite. I can see that now. I am out of school and looking back and first year was definitely the most jam packed with good memories. Most people say first year is too full of confusion and difficult classes and adjustment to be their favorite but I love it because of that. I remember moving in and exploring everything and it was all so exciting. By the time I graduated, everything felt so routine and so repetitive that I could not wait to get out.

First year was magical. I was making new friends and trying new things. And I loved my suitemates to death. One of my them convinced me to do ballroom dancing with her! During finals week, we set up a makeshift bed in out common room and spent 7 hours watching Veronica Mars DVDs. We were catty and judgemental and gossipy and loving and supportive and curious. We hadn't established ourselves at the school in various activities and sororities so we were our own unit (we actually referred to ourselves as Tri Mu once we did join sororities, to make those who didn't go greek feel included). So many different personalities that melded together.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wine and Love

Wine and love is hosted by Nora. Want to join? Read this page for the meme instructions and grab the picture. The go to Walking With Nora to link up!

Wine, Wine, Wine

- Still no sourdough starter. This food challenge thing seems fairly doomed.
- I have no money...but whats new?
- I had to call this morning and make the first of two appointments to get 4 cavities filled. I know, I know...but it's kind of not my fault. Two of them are around existing fillings and one is between my teeth. I didn't think you could get a cavity around an existing filling. Isn't that the point of the filling?
- I am hungry all. the. time. I can't explain it. And I haven't been to the gym since Sunday.
- I have had such trouble getting out of bed this week. I don't think I have been up before 7:40 all week even though I need to be out of the house by 8:15.
- My room looks like a clothing bomb exploded.

Warm and Fuzzy Love

- I am now obsessed with Game of Thrones. Ruh roh.
- I made a bangin' batch of Chicken Marsala over the weekend that has provided lunches throughout the week.
- I had a lovely day date with a friend of mine on Saturday. We went to the National Gallery and then saw the new Michael Fassbender movie Shame. Homegirl has the same appreciation for minimalist art and dark movies as I do. Then we hit up Forever 21.
- I finally got around to buying steel cut oats and made a big batch to have for breakfast for the whole week. It all went swimmingly. At first, I found them too slimy but now I think I have perfected one way to eat them: layer oatmeal, then a little honey, then crushed walnuts and repeat until container is filled then sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Microwave and top with blueberries. Mmmmm. I look forward to experimenting with more options.
- Super bowl is this Sunday! I have some awesome food planned. Sadly, I am torn between where to go to watch AND I have a super early dentist appointment so I might end up driving home during halftime to make sure I am in bed at a reasonable hour.
- I found a couple of new food blogs I'm really into. I'll have to post about the long list of blogs I follow at some point.
- New Vampire Diaries episode tonight. Always a good time.
- Today is going by super quick!